Step Brothers Quotes: The 15 Funniest Lines That Make You Laugh Again

step brothers quotes

If you’ve watched or at least heard of the 2008 movie Step Brothers by Will Ferrel and John C. Rilley, then you know its comedy was way ahead of its time.

That movie has aged like fine wine, and today, we’re sharing 15 of the funniest quotes from that movie. Not much else to say here, let’s get to it.

15 of the Funniest Quotes from Step Brothers the Movie (2008)

  1. “Did we just become best friends?” – Brennan Huff (Will Ferrell), said immediately after Dale Doback (John C. Reilly) revealed they both love dinosaurs. This marks the beginning of their intense, albeit childish, friendship. Dale responds with an equally enthusiastic, “Yup!”
  2. “You and your mom are hillbillies. This is a house of learned doctors.” – Dr. Robert Doback (Richard Jenkins), frustrated with Brennan and his mother Nancy’s (Mary Steenburgen) lack of sophistication. This sets up the clash between the two families.
    Mary Steenburgen as Nancy Huff, and Richard Jenkins as Dr. Robert Doback in Step Brothers
    Mary Steenburgen as Nancy Huff, and Richard Jenkins as Dr. Robert Doback in Step Brothers

    Image source: Google

  3. “It’s the f***ing Catalina Wine Mixer.” – Brennan Huff, said with great excitement when he realized the event he’s been looking forward to is happening. This line has become iconic and is often quoted even outside the context of the film.
  4. “Boats ‘N Hoes.” – Brennan Huff and Dale Doback, the name of their rap song/music video. This represents their immature and often misguided creative endeavors.
  5. “Prestige Worldwide.” – Brennan Huff and Dale Doback, the name of their “entertainment company.” They present a hilariously bad and unprofessional presentation about it to Robert and Nancy.
  6. “I haven’t taken a dump since Wednesday.” – Dale Doback, said casually during a tense family dinner. This is a classic example of Dale’s complete lack of social awareness.
  7. “I’m Dale, but you have to call me Dragon.” – Dale Doback, said to Derek (Adam Scott), Brennan’s successful and condescending younger brother. This is part of Dale’s attempt to assert himself and appear cool
    Adam Scott as Derek Huff in Step Brothers
    Adam Scott as Derek Huff in Step Brothers

    Image source: Google

  8. “There’s so much room for activities!” – Brennan Huff and Dale Doback, said with childlike glee after their parents move in together and they have more space. This perfectly encapsulates their immature excitement.
  9. “You have an absolutely horrifying cackle.” – Derek, said to Brennan after Brennan let out a particularly loud and obnoxious laugh. This highlights the stark contrast between Derek’s polished demeanor and Brennan’s lack of social graces.
  10. “Did you touch my drum set?” – Brennan Huff, said with increasing intensity and anger to Dale after he suspects Dale has been playing his drums. This escalates into a physical fight between the two.
    Brennan angrily to Dale, "Did you touch my drum sleeve?''
    Brennan angrily to Dale, “Did you touch my drum sleeve?”

    Image source: Google

  11. “We’re here to party.” – Brennan Huff and Dale Doback, often said in unison before engaging in some kind of childish activity. This shows their shared immaturity and desire for fun.
  12. “It’s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.” – Dale Doback, sings this Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five lyric while wandering around the house in a daze after being yelled at. It’s a funny non-sequitur that shows his disconnection from reality.
  13. “This house is a prison!” – Brennan Huff, dramatically proclaiming his unhappiness with the new rules imposed by their parents. This one was a classic example of his over-the-top reactions to minor inconveniences.
  14. “Why are you so sweaty?” “I was watching Cops.” – Brennan Huff and Dale Doback, this exchange is a perfectly absurd and hilarious explanation for Brennan’s excessive sweating.
  15. “First of all, don’t ever call me ‘Dad’ again. Second of all, I’m not gonna write you a check.” – Dr. Robert Doback, firmly setting boundaries with Brennan. This is a recurring theme throughout the film, as Robert tries to get Brennan to take responsibility for his own life.

Final Words

The movie has many more quotes and funny occasions than we can gather in a simple post, but that’s all we have for today. Why don’t you share this one if it made you smile?

Featured image source: Pinterest